Make Your Employer a Paying Client

Jul 05, 2023 |

Let me guess...

It's taken you years to find the job you have. 

You like the people, the work is rewarding, and you enjoy being stretched. You've learned so much and you are finally making the salary you deserve, but…you long to be the BOSS!

I will never forget the feeling of walking away from a 6-figure job to manage my consultancy as a full-time entreprenuer. But here were the facts:

  1. I was leaving a job that I loved. 
  2. The organization was loosing a valuable employee and I knew my abscence would be felt.
  3. Hiring me as a contractor only made sense because it was a win-win for both parties.

I made myself irreplaceable in the months leading up to my departure. Now my former employer is a paying client, paying me at a rate of $250/hr!

If you are thinking of starting your business in 2023, NOW is the time to take action.

Join me in this free webinar to learn how you can make your employer into a paying client by becoming #irreplaceable. 

Register at


Quisha Umemba is a Registered Nurse with a Public Health background. She teaches "helping professionals" to monetize their skillset so they can build, launch, and scale a profitable public health consulting business using her proven step-by-step system called Ready.Start.Launch! Find out more by visiting or schedule a 20-min discovery session.